Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

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News & Announcements


Brother Trifon M. Lachica, Preacher of Pongpong Church of Christ, is the guest pulpit preacher of the Cabilocaan Church of Christ, Calasiao, Pangasinan on October 21, 2007. He is slated to preach in that congregation one (1) Sunday every two months.

Brother Trifon is helped by Sister Perse Trinidad, the widow of the late Herman Trinidad.  The congregation of Pongpong partially supports him as their preacher.  He is into farming to augment his income.  He works as a part time Bible Teacher at Rabon Bible School at Rabon, San Fabian, Pangasinan.

Cabilocaan, Calasiao, Pangasinan is the hometown of the Jimenez Family who migrated to the United States of America.  Part of the clan are Virginia Jimenez-Madlaing, wife of Elder Art Gabot Madlaing of the Golden Gate Church of Christ, San Francisco, California, and Perse Trinidad.  Virgie and Perse have a brother preacher who now lives also in America. 

The chapel where the church meets at Cabilocaan, Calasiao, Pangasinan was constructed when Herman was still living.  He was able to see the edifice before he joined his Maker.  Virgie and Herman joined hands to finance the construction of the chapel.


The members of the Pongpong Church will have their monthly lunch fellowship on October 28, 2007 at the chapel.  This is their regular fellowship scheduled every last Sunday of the month.

After lunch, the members will be treated to several games.  These games will be for the building up of camaraderie and togetherness  among the members specially the young.

The Blog Editor will be the speaker during the worship services. He is assigned to speak every fellowship day unless another guest is invited.


The existing chapel where the church meets at Pongpong is almost finished.  Materials are already procured.  Construction resumes this Monday.

A conference room which will be used also as an Office whill be built.  The office will be furnished of equipments like computer donated by Bro. Pablo M. Lachica.

Iron grills to secure the chapel and its  flooring are part of the plan.  They may not be realized in the near future because of lack of funds.  Donation from generous Christians are welcome. (by:  Bro. Pablo M. Lachica)

image071.jpg  This picture of the chapel being repaired and expanded is taken October 21, 2007.  A lot has to be done to complete the construction.

Saturday, October 20, 2007



Ready or not, someday it will come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.

All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.

It will not matter what you owned or what you owed. Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.

So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do-lists will expire. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

It won’t matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracts you lived at the end. It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant. Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.

So, what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.

What will matter is not your success, but your significance. What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your life.

What will matter is not your competence, but your character. What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you’re gone.

What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.

Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a matter of circumstance but a choice.

Choice to live a life that matters.

Finally, what really matter is what will happen to you and your soul after death. Hebrew 9:27 says: “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”

Jesus Christ promised that He is coming back to bring us to our heavenly home (John 14:1-3) Those who died in Christ will be resurrected with Him to heaven.

( I Thessalonians 4:13-17)


What if the Lord were to come right now? Would YOU know for sure, nothing doubting, that YOU would go to heaven?

Going to heaven is not a matter of circumstance or accident. It is a matter of choice.

YOU can choose to deny God and ignore Jesus Christ’ promise and invitation. YOU can also choose to know the answer to this important and urgent question. Request for a FREE “WE CARE Bible Study in the privacy of your Home or Office. Just call (415)221-2631 or visit

“Something is not right because the church says it or the pope says it. Something is right because the Bible says it.”


The Christian Chronicle, May 2005. p.14

* From “WHAT WILL MATTER” by Michael Josephson

By: Elder Arthur Gabot Madlaing (Golden Gate Church Of Christ, San Francisco, California, USA)

Thursday, October 18, 2007


A Modern Parable
(By: Batsell Barrett Baxter, The Work of the Church)

There was a farmer who owns a large field of grain. It is harvest time, and the wheat is already golden brown and needs to be cut. It must not be left in the field very long because the wind or the rain may destroy the crop. Early in the morning he goes into the small town and calls for helpers to come and harvest his crop. The immediate response is favorable and many respond to the invitation.

When they arrive at the field they see the golden harvest and are deeply impressed. They talk about what a wonderful privilege it is to get to harvest so big and bountiful a crop. But someone points out that the fence around this field is not very attractive. It is an old rock fence and in many places the stones have tumbled down. So the people set to building a new fence. They spend all morning getting stones from a nearby stream which they use to build a beautiful wall around the field.

When the fence is finished, someone suggests, “Let’s get to work.” Someone else responds, “Wait, if the sun gets any hotter, or if it should rain, we will need shelter.” They all agree, so over in one corner of the field they build a shelter for themselves. It is so beautifully done that they decide to put a plaque on it, with names inscribe, so that everybody who passes by in generations to come will know just who was thoughtful enough to build such a wonderful shelter.

Then someone says, “Now let’s get to the harvest.” But others say, “It is noon and we ought first to eat.” So they work diligently until quite a feast is prepared. It is in keeping with the beautiful wall and the fine shelter and is a wonderful feast indeed. After the dinner is finished, there is a period of rest, of course, and then someone says, “Now for the harvest.” But someone else replies, “ With such a great responsibility and with such a great challenge before us, do we not need to be better dressed than we are?” Immediately, each provides for himself better garments with which to do the harvesting. Then again they turn their thought to the golden grain and begin to sharpen the scythes with which to cut the grain. After a while they are razor sharp. But as they look at the grubby old handles they are not satisfied. They are unworthy instruments for so great a work. So they begin to carve those ugly handles into beautiful pieces, and some even add intricate filigree work of gold and silver. One man is even able to adorn his scythe with mother of pearl. It is truly a beautiful thing.

Now they are ready to go to the harvest. But suddenly someone says, “It is night, the sun is gone down.” It is then that they realize that only a few have cut any grain. So these wonderful people (like us) turn back sorrowing with guilty feelings to meet the man who owns the field. He comes to meet them, expecting shoulders laden with heavy bags of grain, but instead he finds only beautiful tools and a story of wonderful fences and fine clothes and a good dinner and a shelter to take care of those who work. He asks sadly, “But where is the harvest?” the people are speechless and ashamed. (Great Smokey Mountain Church of Christ)




Pongpong is one of the remotest barangays of Sto. Tomas in the Province of La Union, Philippines. In the early 60's to the late 80's, you can reach the place by walking five (5) kilometers from the nearest highway. You have to pass through several small rivers by foot. Roads were constructed from then on and now, there is already a well paved road connecting the Barangay to the Highway.
The preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ did not happen by design of man but of God. It was in 1962 when a Public School Teacher by the name of NATIVIDAD BEJAGON was assigned to teach at the elementary school of the barrio (early calling of the barangay). Jesus Bejagon, her husband used to visit her on week ends. Jesus Bejagon happened to be a student of Philippine Bible College, Baguio City, Philippines. One week end, Bro. Jesus Bejagon had a discussion with one of the preachers of the Jehovah's Witnesses (Watch Tower Society). He was soundly overwhelmed by the experienced Jehovah's Witness preacher. He was not good in speaking Iloco dialect, that's why. However, he (Bro. Bejagon) promised to come back with reinforcement.
The next week end, Bro. Bejagon came with the late CASIMIRO ANNAGUE, a former preacher of the Jehovah's Witnesses who was converted to the Lord's Church. Tatang Miro as he was fondly called, was at that time studying at Philippine Bible College, Baguio City. During the discussion with the Jehovah's Witnesses' preacher during that week end, Tatang Miro came out to have won the argumentation resoundingly. That victory of the sound doctrine started the enthusiasm of elders of the barangay to hear more of the gospel which was first preached by Bro. Bejagon and Bro. Annague.


During the last quarter of 1962, several men and women of Pongpong became Christians. FORTUNATO DULAY, BERNARDO QUEZADA, PERING CALONGE, & BERNARDO PANERGO, among several others, were the early converts. BERNARDO PANERGO is now the Evangelist of San Manuel Church, Tarlac. Fortunato Dulay and Pering Calonge died as Christians while Bernardo Quezada went back to the world.

Student Preachers of the Philippine Bible College came to the place on week ends. The notable ones are EUSEBIO TANICALA, REYNALDO JACOB, ALEX JACOB and MACARIO MACATO. Bro. Casimiro Annague, however, remained as the regular visiting preacher. Missionaries KENNETH J. WILKEY, BOB BUCHANAN & DOUGLAS LECROY were constant visitors. All of them experienced traveling on foot for five (5) kilometers to reach the place. They, too, experienced lying on the bare floor covered by floor mat as they slept at night without mosquito net.
During the early 1964, the LACHICA FAMILY led by their patriarchs JUAN LACHICA & GERVACIO LACHICA, MERCADO FAMILY led by DIONISIO MERCADO, PANERGO FAMILY led by ANONG PANERGO, and the VILLANUEVA FAMILY led by FRANCISCO VILLANUEVA, DOCTOLERO FAMILY, were added to the church. During that year, the venue of worship transferred from the residence of FORTUNATO DULAY to the house of JUAN LACHICA, the father of the Blog Editor, Pablo M. Lachica.
When religious debate was still very popular, BRO. TEOFILO ALCAYDE & LEO CORPUZ had memorable discussions with the Jehovah's Witnesses in the year 1965 and 1966. This was followed by exposition of Biblical Doctrines between Bro. Eusebio Tanicala and Pentecostal Preacher. These debates sparked much enthusiasm for the local Christians and contributed to the early growth.

NICASIO FULGENCIO became a regular student preacher of the congregation. He was instrumental in bringing to the fold of the Lord the Blog Editor, RUDY MERCADO, now Preacher of the Diffun Church, BIENVINIDO REANO, who became an Engineer and is still very active. The members of the church still meet at the place of the late JUAN G. LACHICA because he donated a lot for the present chapel to be constructed.

In the 70's to late 80's, ELIZABETH BERNARDO & REBECCA ERECE-BRAGA became regular teachers of children's class on Saturdays and Sundays. The children they taught are now the pillars of the church. Brethren FELIX BRAVO & ADRIAN LIMBAWAN had a hand in the growth of the church by coming to perform marriages of members during these times.

The church had grown in number and in maturity. There are three (elders) , PASTOR TRIFON M. LACHICA, PASTOR FELIMON G. LACHICA, AND TEODORICO D. MERCADO, who are overseeing the affairs of the church. Several deacons were appointed to serve the table. The church is served by pastor TRIFON LACHICA as Preacher, with a partial support from the Local Church. He is into farming to augment his income. We become a happy family bound by one love, one spirit, and one goal, that is, to be with the Lord in his Kingdom during his second coming.
The picture attached represent the average weekly attendance. We have grown from a church with an average collection of P50.00 a week to a congregation that has an average of couple of thousand pesos a week.

The church has a yearly budget prepared by the Elders and Deacons. There are still more rooms for improvements. We still are striving to reach that stature the Lord wants us to be. Programs for Evangelism, Edification and Benevolence are being undertaken by the church to maintain that growth in number and in spirituality.

The chapel is under repair for expansion. Donations came from the AGUDA FAMILY of Hawaii, and the SMOKEY MOUNTAIN CHURCH of the USA to augment our budget for capital outlay. The late brother HERMAN TRINIDAD and his wife Sister PERSE TRINIDAD contributed much to the construction of the main building. We are to put up a small room for conference and for office. The pictures attached show the ongoing repairs.

Much of what we are now is due to the influence of MANONG SEBIO TANICALA who is a constant visiting Evangelist until these times. However, much is also to be credited to BRO. BOB BUCHANAN and BRO. KENNETH J. WILKEY who had a special attachment to the late JUAN LACHICA who became the leader of the Church at its early stage. JUAN G. LACHICA, who passed away in 1998 at age 94, considered BRO. KEN WILKEY to be his father of faith.


The foregoing is based on the recollection of the Blog Editor who was converted during the summer of 1965. He went to Philippine Bible College in 1967 and was part of that institution until 1988.

If there are part that were missing, please give your comments to this blog.



The Church In The Valley (Pongpong Church of Christ) is a congregation of Christians dedicated to following the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. We profess no denominational affiliation, instead urging all believers to go back to the Bible as the ultimate authority and guide for spiritual life. We know that those who "walked in the light" in the beginning of the church walked with Christ; therefore, if we believe what they believed, practice as they practiced, and teach as they taught, we will be what they were: simply Christians.

Jesus came into the world to seek and save the lost; He gave Himself at Golgotha to redeem "whosoever will" from the consequences of sin; He came so that we can enjoy truly abundant life, in Him; and He promised to build a church. At Pongpong Church, we are striving to be that church, and we invite you to investigate what the Word says about it.